Very similar to Throbbing Cock for Stepmom Stepmom is jealous of your affections for other women, so she trains you out of it. To get what you want, you're going to have to devote your time and sexual energy to stepmom and stepmom only.
**If you like this clip, see the remake of it called "Secretary Wanted".**
I come in to interview for a position at your company. Your female partner will join us during the second half of the interview, so I have only a limited amount of time to exert my control & take you into a trance for me. The interview begins normally, with me answering questions about my place in the last company I worked for. The company was very successful at first but eventually went bankrupt. I tell you that of course I had nothing to do with that. But the truth is that my last boss was so under my control that he ran the company into the ground because of my insatiable desires.
You're next. I tell you about my talents, but you're drawn to staring at my legs. They're bare right now, and as I stroke them you start to go into a trance for me. I "remember" that I forgot to put on my pantyhose before the interview & I pull them out of my purse, using them as an excuse the further entrance you. You stare, mesmerized, as I slowly & sensually pull the silky Wolford seamed stockings over my perfect legs, and I tell you of how I will enslave & drain you. I even begin to implant suggestions about your wife & how you'll no longer want to be with her since you'll be thinking of me all the time, craving my voice & glimpses at my gorgeous body.
Of course you'll hire me. And this is just the beginning of many sessions together. Before you know what hit you, I'll be draining you & using you. Extra vacation days, raises in pay... the sky is the limit when you're a sensual siren.
Some visual effects & spirals.
Your boss is shocked at the "reward" you chose for your hard work. She expected that you'd choose extra days off or maybe a raise, but instead you chose "masturbate in front of boss". That was quite a risk you took, but luckily she's amused. She even takes off her bra for you. But when you whip out your cock, it's all she can do to maintain her composure. She asks if it's a medical condition. You get slightly offended, but she reminds you that you've lived with this tiny dick all your life, and you should have expected her response. Then a strange thing happens: She says that you can try to have sex with her. She doesn't think you can do it, but you push that tiny dick of yours so hard up against her, trying to smash it into her pussy. AND SHE GETS TURNED ON!! She's so into how embarrassed you must be and how hard you're trying that she actually starts to get wet. Then she cums!! You're so happy you made a woman cum with your tiny dick, even though she was making fun of you the whole time. What a day!
I've been hired to gather information from Dave the terrorist. I know he's not going to cooperate, so I study his dossier and learn that his weakness is feet and strappy sandals. I've captured him and inform him that he will give up the information I want if he ever wants to escape. I torment him with my soft, beautiful feet, allowing him to sniff them, rubbing them on his face, and even putting my toes in his mouth. My plan works and he gives me the information, but I never intended to allow him to leave. His fate is sealed.
This is a semi-sequel to "Sex Ed with Religious StepMom" filmed in 2015.
You're back home after you had to divorce your wife. Unfortunately, that means putting up with your stepmom's religious fervor once again. She launches in... "I’m glad you’ve returned home to me. I want you here with me my sweet boy, but you know this house shelters not the unrepentant. Before I agree to let you stay, I need to know that you see the errors of your ways. It’s clear to me that you need another lesson. You need to be cleansed of your sins. Are you ready?" You know what's coming, and you're not exactly looking forward to it, but also... she does actually know how to fuck, so it's not a total freakshow, right? She has some really huge breasts, a good ass, and a super tight pussy. "You thought you knew better, but I told you only an1mals do it doggystyle. You do remember me telling you that, don’t you?" Ah yes, you remember this vividly. Your stepmom is explaining that the only "correct" and holy position is missionary... and she showed you by... demonstrating all the "incorrect" positions, which was super weird. Now here you are again, stepmom showing you with her own body how NOT to have sex with a woman. "In this position, you can only focus on my bottom and my vagina. You can see your penis going in and out of me, and your attention is drawn there, isn’t it?" She calls you out, shaming you for enjoying yourself. What else are you supposed to be doing right now? Does she really thinking you're supposed to have a hard dick while learning your lesson about what a sinner you are? Stepmom is so strange. She drones on, "Luckily, you divorced her because of her sexual immorality. So you can remarry without being an adulterer." Whoa. Yeah, this is getting intense. You need to have offspring, so you must remarry. Got it. *Eyeroll*. You're just trying to concentrate because you know there's a test in here somewhere. Oh, and here it is. "I need to know that you can 'get the job done' from this missionary position while looking into my eyes. Only then will I know I can trust you’re trying to be better. And then you can stay here with me." She explains that she's not on birth control, of course, so you have to pull out. You're so turned on that you do exactly what she says, pulling your swollen cock out and spraying your cum on her bush.
The name Johnny is used. Begin the clip kneeling, with chastity cage removed. Let my voice take you deep into worship of my amazing legs. You've been in chastity for me for a while now. Now let me use my legs and body as a tease and denial tool. I take my time teasing your throbbing cock. I will tease your cock to the edge over and over again.I own your cock I want you to last and last for me. Deeper you go... deeper & further into desperation until you think you're going to burst. Worship my perfect legs, and fill your subconscious mind with thoughts & images of me to make you weaker & more submissive.
"Classic" clip from 2015. -- I suppose we need to have a talk. I know you've been concerned about your fa.ther; you've heard his screams at night. Don't worry-- they're screams of pleasure, not pain. Alright, well maybe a little pain. I drive your fa.ther crazy, tormenting him with my body, stroking his cock in just the right way & then backing off again. I know you'd like it if I do the same to you. You're curious about what can make a man scream so much. Here, I'll show you. I'll stroke you just like I do your fa.ther, and soon you'll be mine. Yes, I did k.1ll your mo.ther. I needed her out of the way. Though I know that bothers you, you're still allowing me to touch you. Your fa.ther can't resist me either. He knows I'm in here doing this to you. All he cares about is that I return to him tonight when I'm done turning you. He's blinded by the intense pleasure, and he'll do anything to have more. That's it-- cum for me and know what it's like to be enslaved by me. I enjoy destroying the lives of fa.thers & so.ns.