You saw on my website that my methods are unconventional, but I have a very high success rate. Before you can be a better lover to someone else, you must first know yourself. Have you ever taken the time to fully appreciate yourself? The way your dick feels when you pull on it? I want you to explore that feeling, and I'm going to give you some visual motivation. It's important for you to know yourself, in order to be the best lover you can be. Masturbation can be taboo, so we don't often talk about it, but it's a very important part of becoming a more whole person. Now that you're ready to cum, I want you to cum into your own hand and lick it up. Not just with the tip of your tongue.
Honey, you're supposed to be working late! Your boss is on his way here right now. No, not for you. ....for me. To have sex. I know you don't like him, but I think you dislike him because you want to be him. He's actually a nice guy. You know I'm attracted to rich men. I just can't help myself. You're more comfortable being your boss' bitch boy than being the boss. It's ok if you're turned on by the thought of him having sex with me. You can stay and watch. It would be good for you and maybe even motivating. If you want me to stick around, you're going to double my monthly allowance and you're going to work on getting that raise so you can buy me jewelry. I deserve better than what you've been giving me.